Partners & Collaboration
Saving seeds, growing food, farming for food pantries, encouraging and organizing community gardens, maintaining water and soil health, four season gardening, protecting biodiversity and more-than-human lives, and sharing a wealth of seedy know-how, while ensuring food and well being for everyone in our communities.
The following individuals and organizations are our roots and inspiration - collaborating with us, partnering up to support this work, sharing Seed Stories and nurturing agri-Culture.
516 Arts, Albuquerque, NM
ABC Seed Library, Albuquerque, NM
Aaron Lowden, Acoma Pueblo
Adrienne O’Brien, Las Vegas, NM
Albuquerque Bio Park, Albuquerque, NM
Albuquerque Museum of Art, Albuquerque, NM
Arid Crop Seed Cache, Albuquerque, NM
Armand Saiia, Ribera, NM
Art and Ecology, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
ASU Art Museum, Phoenix, AZ
Axle Contemporary, Santa Fe, NM
Aztec Seedsavers, Aztec, NM
Balboa Park, San Diego, CA
Barbara Ewing, Mineral Hill, NM
Beata Tsosie Peña, Santa Clara Pueblo
Beverly Todd, Aztec, NM
Bill Mann, Anton Chico, NM
Bill McDorman, Cornville, AZ
Brett Bakker, Albuquerque, NM
Capital City Farmers’ Market, Montpelier, VT
Cathy Kahn, Romeroville, NM
Celebracion de Culturas Familia Y Tradiciones, Peñasco, NM
Chicano Art Gallery, Barrio Logan, CA
Chloe Hart-Mann, Anton Chico, NM
Cindy McCleod, Mineral Hill, NM
City of Santa Fe Parks Division, Santa Fe, NM
Clarinda Loewen, Montezuma, NM
Conserving Arkansas’ Agricultural Heritage (CAAH!), Conway, AR
Compartiendo Semillas, Sembrando el Futuro, Las Vegas, NM
Compartiendo Semillas en Anton Chico, Anton Chico, NM
Creative Albuquerque, Albuquerque, NM
Dancing Earth Contemporary Indigenous Dance Creations, Santa Fe, NM
Desert Initiative, Phoenix, AZ
Dixon Elementary Classes, Dixon, NM
Dragon Farms, Albuquerque, NM
Du Quoin Public Library and Seed Library, Du Quoin, IL
Española Healing Foods Oasis, Española, NM
Eva Parr, Western Colorado
The Exubernauts, Iowa City, IA
Fodder Project Collaborative Research Farm, Anton Chico, NM
Grant County Seed Library, Silver City, NM
Greg Schoen, OK
Guild Theater, Albuquerque, NM
Homegrown New Mexico, Santa Fe, NM
Hudson Valley Seed Library, Accord, NY
In Seeds We Trust/Green Revolution, Tempe, AZ
International Seed Library Forum
International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA), Albuquerque, NM
Iren Schio, Toas, NM
Isaura Andaluz
Ishkashitaa, Tucson, AZ
Jane Addams Hull-House Museum and Seed Library, Chicago, IL
Jean Warner, San Geronimo, NM
Jennifer Case Nevarez, Santa Fe, NM
John McCleod, Mineral Hill, NM
Jose Maestas, Las Vegas, NM
La Jicarita Harvest, Peñasco, NM
Land Arts of the American West, UNM, Albuquerque, NM
Las Vegas Seed Exchange, Las Vegas, NM
Legion Arts, Cedar Rapids, IA
Lucille Joseph, Guadalupita, NM
Native Seed/SEARCH, Tucson, AZ
Nomad 9 MFA, University of Hartford, Hartford, CT
Mancos Seed Library, Mancos, CO
Manitou Springs Public Library and Seed Library, Manitou Springs, CO
Mary Waldie Vigil, San Fidel, NM
Montezuma School to Farm Project, Dolores, CO
Michelle Otero, Albuquerque, NM
Mora Seed Library, Mora, NM
One 20 Farm, Columbus, OH
Ówîngeh Tá, Pueblos Y Semillas Gathering and Seed Exchange, NM
Patagonia Public Library/Semillotecas, Patagonia, AZ
Pima County Library and Seed Library, Tucson, AZ
Public Space One, Iowa City, IA
Qachuu Aloom Farmers, Guatemala
Quatra Puertas, Albuquerque, NM
Rachel Zollinger, Albuquerque, NM
Radio Pulso del Barrio, Barrio Logan, CA
Ralph Laumbach, Romeroville, NM
Ridgway Seed Library, Ridgway, CO
Rocky Mountain Seed Alliance, Mancos, CO
Ron Boyd, La Villita, NM
Rowen White, Nevada City, CA
Rutland Public Library and Seed Library, Rutland, VT
Santa Fe Art Institute, Santa Fe, NM
Sara Wright, Northern New Mexico
Sean Kaminsky and Open Sesame
Seed 4, Taos, NM
SEEDS: A Collective Voice, Albuquerque, NM
SEEDS at City Urban Farm, San Diego, CA
Seed Savers Exchange, Decorah, IA
SDSU Arts Alive, San Diego, CA
SDSU Arts Council, San Diego, CA
SDSU Common Experience, San Diego, CA
SDSU School of Art + Design, San Diego, CA
Sunny Dooley, Vanderwagon, NM
Sherrill Martinez, Las Vegas, NM
Sierra County Farmers Market, Truth or Consequences, NM
Smithsonian Folklife and Earth Optimism, Washington, D.C.
South Valley Academy, Albuquerque, NM
Southwest Institute for ResiLience (SWIRL) Telluride, CO
Sustainability Program, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
Suzanne Coffey, Mineral Hill, NM
Sylvia Rains Dennis, Taos, NM
Telluride Institute, Telluride, CO
Telluride MountainFilm, Telluride, CO
Tempe Center for the Arts, Tempe, AZ
Tewa Women United, Tewa Homelands of Northern NM
The Garden’s Edge, Seed Travels, Albuquerque, NM
Tiana Baca, Albuquerque, NM
Tri-County Farmers’ Market, Las Vegas, NM
Tse Daa K’aan Lifelong Learning Community, Navajo Nation
Valle de Oro National Wildlife Refuge, Albuquerque, NM
Vermont College of Fine Arts, Montpelier, VT
Westcliff Seed Library, Westcliff, CO
Wild Willow Farm and Education Center, San Diego, CA