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Support SeedBroadcast with a Tax-Deductible Donation

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You will be redirected to LittleGlobe, our fiscal sponsor’s donation page. At the bottom of the page you can designate your donation amount and pay via pay pal. If you prefer to use other payment options, please contact LittleGlobe at the number or email below.

Phone: 505.980.6218

Since our founding in 2011, we have received generous grants from the Kindle Project Fund of the Common Counsel Foundation, McCune Charitable Foundation, Native Seeds/SEARCH and Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, Climate Change Solutions Fund Grant, Puffin Foundation, and others. We are grateful to the many individuals who have donated to our cause and made possible the many SeedBroadcast projects we have completed.

SeedBroadcast thanks you for your support and BELIEF in the power of SEEDS and agri-CULTURE.
