SeedBroadcast is a collaborative project founded on the wisdom of seeds.
Seeds are creative and resilient. Seeds teach. They share their generosity. And they live within an ecologic relationship with others. Seeds populate the world with story and our stories are intertwined with theirs. These stories of seeds, farming, gardening and vital communities are rooted in the word agri-Culture.

SeedBroadcast partners with individuals, communities, and institutions to share seed saving resources and encourage seed sharing while honoring the power of seeds, farming, and community health. We work collaboratively together to generate public art projects, record and broadcast Seed Stories, publish the agri-Culture Journal and share creative ecological knowledge to nurture relationships based on the wisdom of seeds.

Agri-Culture Journal
SeedBroadcast agri-Culture Journal is a bi-annual collection of poetry, inspired thoughts, essays, photographs, drawings, recipes, How-to’s and wisdom gathered together from a national call out to lovers of local food and seeds. This journal supports collaboration and the sharing of seeds, stories, resources, and inspiration within local communities and between individuals, while also providing pollination through diversified regional, national, and international internet-media networks.

News and Upcoming Events
The latest in SeedBroadcast activities, news, and upcoming events including calls for contribution and collaboration.