INterviews in the field
SeedBroadcast met with local farmers and gardeners in their fields to hear personal stories about the ongoing drought and water crisis, growing food, seed saving, reflections on the past, and dreams of the future. An archive of documentary photographs and audio interviews were collected and selections from these were curated for the Collective Seed Book Broadcast to be gifted back to these seed savers. Hand-made garden journals were also gifted to all participants as a space for inciting their own future garden, food and seed dreams. This project took place throughout San Miguel, Mora, Guadalupe Counties, New Mexico.
“But I still have some seed. its been with me a long time and probably before me…”
Many thanks to these farmers, gardeners, and seed savers who spent time teaching us about what they do and why they do it.
Barbara Ewing
Lucille Joseph
Cathy Kahn and Ralph Laumbach
Clarinda Loewen
Jose Maestas
Sherrill and Trini Martinez
John and Cindy McCleod
Adrienne O’Brien
Armand Saiia
Jean Warner