SeedBroadcast Journal #22

The 22nd edition of the SeedBroadcast Journal is hot off the press and available online. Look out for it at your local coops, seed exchanges, libraries, farmers markets and where ever people gather.

In this latest SeedBroadcast agri-Culture Journal, RAVEL shares the latest Seedling Radicle Futures project from their Fall Semester programming with student artists from The University of New Mexico. RAVEL is a creative research community engaged in regenerative practices and committed to situated biophilic and relational ecologies. RAVEL offers field-based Art & Ecology courses at The University of New Mexico supporting the intersection of art, ecological research, and cultural engagement. Many people ask if RAVEL stands for something and it does. But like a seed germinating into the many lived versions of itself - born into identities of one and many in relation with its ecological community - RAVEL and all words, concepts, and expressions which it weaves are ever changing. Its roots are deep in its commitment to eco-social relations, reciprocity, creativity, and community care.

The Fall RAVEL programming centered in Seedling Radicle Futures and included three separate, yet related community engaged projects:

Helping to design, organize, and implement a creative ecoregional seed library in collaboration with the Mobile Abolition Library. This project is discussed in detail in the included essay titled, Seedling Radicle.

Artists camped at the Holy Ghost Campground at the edge of the Pecos Wilderness and explored immense botanical biodiversity just as the fall season transitioned into flowering and seeds.

Engaged in student-centered creative research, artists focused on plants, seeds, and ecological community to produce experimental films and organized a film festival called, let it go to seed. Germinating from plant-thinking and situated ecologies, these films probe our innate interconnectedness and relationships with more-than-human communities, prompting the question, who is looking back at us. These were shown at the Jean Cocteau Cinema in Santa Fe, NM. We plan to publish them online in the coming year.

Finally we brought all of this seed work together for an art exhibition and film screening at the UNM Zimmerman Library. This work can still be seen through April 1, 2025. 

RAVEL plans to continue Seeding Radicle Futures programming and courses in the coming years. We hope to continue sharing this work through the SeedBroadcast agri-Culture Journal, so stay tuned!

Thank you to those that submitted to this 22nd edition, along with the students of RAVEL, Anita Vasquez, Emily Romero, Frederick Livingston, Iren Schio, Leslie Sobel and Craig Johnson and Armando Espinosa of Metamorfosis Documentation Project and to all the seeds that continue to nourish us.

The deadline for submissions to the 23rd edition is September 8th 2025. We are looking forward to hearing from you.


SeedBroadcast agri-Culture Journal Deadline