This is an invite to all you seed-lovers and local food growers out there! Please consider contributing to the 2nd edition of the Seedbroadcast agri-Culture Journal. It could be a drawing, photograph, story, journal entries, poem, an essay, a manifesto, your favorite recipe using home grown food, with a relevance to seeds, seed saving and local food growing practices. Each of you holds a wisdom and it is this wisdom we hope to share.
This 2nd edition will be published in Spring 2014 and will be available in printed and web format.
Deadline for contributions is January 31st 2014.
Send to
Images should be 300 dpi and please include a couple of sentences about yourself, your collective, farm, family or organization.
Please take a look at our 1st edition.
It is available to download here:
We look forward to hearing from you,