Albuquerque Seed Swap!

As spring nears the potential for growing seed swaps is at hand!

Peter Gallo from the Albuquerque Urban Farm and Garden Cooperative, in the south valley, just wrote to announce the date for their annual seed swap.

Here is their information:

Spring Seed Swap and Picnic!

Sunday, February 3, 2013 from 12 - 4pm
731 La Vega Ct SW
Albuquerque, NM 87105

Spring is right around the corner and some of you have already begun your indoor planting and preparing your outdoor gardens. Lets start the year out right by working together to make our gardens more fruitful!

Last year's seed swap was a great success and we are looking forward to hosting again and hopefully seeing some new faces.

Please bring… *non-GMO seeds/heirloom seeds- We are all about honoring and protecting the right to save our own seeds and grow unadulterated foods. Seeds can be packaged or saved from your gardens but must be GMO free! The seeds can be vegetables, fruits, herbs, medicinal herbs, flowers, whatever you have to trade!

 (Have an idea of what kind of seeds you're looking for)

*Something to put your acquired seeds into- This can be little baggies, small paper envelopes or handmade envelopes. It doesn't really matter but we will not be providing this and the swappers are not required to bring containers for others.

*A healthy potluck dish- Please include a serving utensil and an ingredients list for vegetarians or those who may have food sensitivities.

Event starts at noon with meet and greet. Coffee and refreshments will be provided. The swap will start promptly at 1pm and will go on throughout the afternoon as we enjoy our picnic lunch.

This is also a great opportunity to network with other folks, so bring your business cards and an area will be provided for them.

This will be a wonderful event and a great start to the year! Blessed Spring!

Here is a link to their facebook page:

Mora Grows Seed Lending Library


Reflections: January 19th 2013