agri-Culture Journal

The 1st edition of the SeedBroadcast agri-Culture Journal emerged in the Autumn of 2013 as a response to our intentionality of broadcasting far and wide the deep wisdom that is held in the stories and actions of people working and being with the land and seeds.  Each edition is comprised of contributions sent to us from all over the world, from poets, farmers, seed savers, activists and those that want to spread the word of seed. The journal holds the essence of reciprocity: receiving and giving back. It has always been free and open pollinated. Available as pdf download and limited edition print.

Contribute! Participate! Propose!

We welcome your Seed Stories, Art, Poetry, Recipes, Photographs and More.
Please include a short bio, images should be at least 300 DPI 4” x 6” and include your mailing address. We will mail you a stack of printed copies to distribute in your own community.

The next deadline for submissions is Monday May 27th, 2024

For more information or to submit your contribution send to


Acoma Seeds: Ancestral Lands Farm Corp


Seed Stories